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Success Stories from Past Events

As you can see on our Campaign Partners page, the Falls Campaign seeks to engage organizations, worker safety groups, construction companies, and other stakeholders on both a national and local level. We are eager to see our partners conducting activities to raise awareness about fall hazards and protection and to educate contractors and workers on how to prevent falls on jobsites.

When we hear about a dynamic event, we sometimes create a “Success Story” – a short report with photos describing what the partner groups did and what they achieved. Take a moment to read a few Success Stories for ideas on activities you can conduct. You can also submit information about your Stand-Down if you’d like your event to be considered to be featured here.

2023 Success Story Highlights


CASA, a national membership-based organization of immigrants that advocates for change through human services, community organizing, and advocacy, hosted six different events that reached approximately 80 workers in English, Spanish, and French in 2023. Events were held for day laborers, for participants in English as a Second Language classes, and for construction vocational training students. Read more here (English).

Abbott and AbbVie

Abbott, a medical devices and health care company, and AbbVie, a pharmaceutical research and development company, collaborated to host a 500 person Stand-Down event in 2023. The event was hosted as part of the Great Lakes Construction Association Ambassador Alliance. It included equipment demonstrations, speeches, training, and a catered lunch. Read more here (English).

All Success Stories

Consult the following success stories for examples of successful events.

  • CASA (2023) – English
  • Abbott & AbbVie (2023) – English
  • UCOR (2017) – English
  • US Air Force (2017) – English
  • Brock Services (2017) – English
  • American Building Companies (2017) – English
  • Core Construction (2017) – English
  • Milica Electric Corporation (2017) – English
  • Builders Mutual (2017) – English
  • Webcor Builders (2017) – English
  • TA Loving (2017) – English
  • Florida Habitat for Humanity (2017) – English
  • Contract Construction (2017) – English
  • State OH Surveillance Programs (2015) – English
  • State FACE Programs (2015) – English
  • Ryan Companies (2015) – English
  • Doran Companies (2015) – English
  • Kentucky Labor Cabinet, Department of Workplace Standards (2015) – English
  • US Air Force (2015) – English
  • Mid-Atlantic Construction Safety Council (January 2014) – English
  • Mid-Atlantic Construction Safety Council (December 2014) – English
  • Kentucky Labor Cabinet, Department of Workplace Standards (2014) – English
  • Safway Group (2014) – English
  • Kentucky Labor Cabinet, Department of Workplace Standards (September 2013) – English
  • Massachusetts Department of Health, Occupational Health Surveillance Program (September 2013) – English
  • Habitat for Humanity (February 2013) – English

Share Your Stand-Down Success Story!

If you would like to submit your event to be considered to be featured here, fill out CPWR’s Stand-Down Success Story Form.

Social Media Guide

To assist organizations with promotion of the Falls Campaign and associated National Safety Stand-Down, CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training has developed a list of social media messages, including links and images in English and Spanish, that can be used as written or edited to create your own messages. To download the images, open the links and then right-click to save the image. These messages are in the process of being updated for the 2024 Stand-Down.

Don’t forget to use #StandDown4Safety and tag us:

  • X: @CPWR, @NIOSH, @NIOSHConstruct, @OSHA_DOL
  • Instagram: @cpwr_construction, @nioshusa
  • Facebook: @CPWR.COSH, @NIOSH
  • LinkedIn: @CPWR

Para ayudar a las organizaciones con la promoción del Stand-Down Nacional Para Prevenir Las Caídas En La Construcción, CPWR – El Centro de Investigación y Capacitación en Construcción ha desarrollado una lista de mensajes para las redes sociales en inglés y español, incluido hay enlaces e imágenes, que se pueden usar tal como están escritos o editados para crear sus propios mensajes. Para descargar las imágenes, abra los enlaces y luego haga clic derecho para guardar la imagen. Tambien, puede usar nuestra Tarjeta Social 2023: copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en una publicación de redes sociales en Facebook, Twitter o LinkedIn para compartir información sobre el evento:

No olvides usar #StandDown4Safety y mencionarnos:

  • X: @CPWR, @NIOSH, @NIOSHConstruct, @OSHA_DOL
  • Instagram: @cpwr_construction, @nioshusa
  • Facebook: @CPWR.COSH, @NIOSH
  • LinkedIn: @CPWR

Social Media Messages on How to Participate

This year is the ELEVENTH ANNUAL National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction! Learn more about how to participate here: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

¡Este año es el UNDÉCIMO evento de la campaña nacional de prevención de caídas en la construcción! Aprende más sobre cómo se participa aquí: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

Looking for ideas on how to participate in the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction? Check out this guide: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

¿Está buscando ideas sobre como participar en el evento de la campaña nacional de prevención de caídas en la construcción? Consulta esta guía de ideas #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

If your company participated in the National Safety Stand-Down, get your OSHA Certificate of Participation in English and/or Spanish here: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

Si participaste en el Stand-Down Nacional Para Prevenir Las Caídas En La Construcción, recibe tu certificado de participación de OSHA aquí en inglés o español: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

Everything you need for this week’s Stand-Down, from jobsite posters to online videos, can be found in CPWR’s Planning and Promotion Page – #StandDown4Safety #StopFallsfor Construction Workers

Todo lo que se necesita para participar en el evento de la campaña nacional de prevención de caídas en la construcción, desde carteles hasta videos en línea se puede encontrar en la página de Planificación y Promoción de CPWR: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

Planning for rescue is essential. This Stand-Down, check out this resource for how you can create or improve your Rescue Plan: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

La planificación del rescate es esencial. En este evento, echa un vistazo a este recurso para saber cómo puedes crear o mejorar tu Plan de Rescate: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls

Learn how to use a multi-layered approach to fall prevention and protection with this new resource from the Falls Campaign:

Aprenda cómo utilizar un enfoque de múltiples capas para la prevención y protección contra caídas con este nuevo recurso de la Campaña de Prevención de Caídas:

Social Media Messages for Participants To Use

We are proud to participate in the 11th Annual National Safety Stand-Down! We can prevent every fall if we plan, provide, and train. #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

¡Estamos orgullosos de participar en el décimo evento de la campaña nacional de prevención de caídas en la construcción! Podemos prevenir cada caída si planificamos, proporcionamos y capacitamos. #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

We know that falls can be deadly at any height. We plan to prevent and protect against all falls: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

Sabemos que las caídas pueden ser mortales a cualquier altura. Planeamos prevenir y proteger contra todas las caídas: #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

We #StandDown4Safety because we know that planning, providing, and training saves lives! We always do the math to make sure our employees use the right length lanyard #StopFalls #Construction #StandDown4Safety

Nosotros #StandDown4Safety porque sabemos que la planificación, el suministro y la capacitación salvan vidas! Siempre hacemos los cálculos para asegurarnos de que nuestros empleados usen la longitud correcta de lazo #StopFalls #Construction

We strive to prevent every fall and plan to ensure that any worker who falls can be rescued safely and quickly. In our #StandDown4Safety, we train workers for rescue #StopFalls #Construction

Nos esforzamos por prevenir cada caída y planificar para asegurarnos de que cualquier trabajador que caiga pueda ser rescatado de manera segura y rápida. En nuestro #StandDown4Safety, capacitamos a los trabajadores para el rescate #StopFalls #Construction

The safety of our workers is our top priority, which is why we’re participating in the 2024 Stand-Down to Prevent Falls! #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

¡La seguridad de nuestros trabajadores es nuestra prioridad absoluta! Por eso, estamos participando en el Stand-Down Nacional Para Prevenir Las Caídas En La Construcción #StandDown4Safety #StopFalls #Construction

A worker loses their life in a fall almost every day in the US. We #StandDown4Safety because we want everyone to go home safe #StopFalls #Construction

Un trabajador pierde la vida en una caída casi todos los días en los Estados Unidos. Nosotros nos sumamos al #StandDown4Safety porque queremos que todos regresen a casa sanos y salvos #StopFalls #Construction

Hispanic construction workers are more likely to die from falls. This occupational health inequity is preventable: #StopFalls #Construction

Los trabajadores hispanos de la construcción tienen más probabilidades de morir por caídas. Esta desigualdad en la salud ocupacional es prevenible: #StopFalls #Construction

Heat raises the risk of traumatic injuries like falls. When we #StandDown4Safety, we also train on how to prevent heat hazards #StopFalls #Construction

El calor aumenta el riesgo de lesiones traumáticas como caídas. Cuando hacemos el #StandDown4Safety, también nos capacitamos sobre cómo prevenir los riesgos del calor #StopFalls #Construction

Planning and Promotion

In order to make participating in the Stand-Down as easy as possible, we’ve gathered our key resources in one location. Use the links below to promote your event, plan your event, and share resources at your event.

Materials for the 2025 Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction will be uploaded as they are available.

Promote Your Event

Use the following materials to share information about your event with employees, other organizations, community members, the press, and others.

Plan Your Event

Use the following materials to plan your event:

Share Resources at Your Event

Review the following planning and training resources to assess which to share at your event:

  • Written Fall Protection Plans – Develop and implement fall protection plans. Planning is essential to preventing falls.
  • Safety Meeting Guides (Toolbox Talks) – Facilitate conversations with your crew about key fall safety and prevention issues.
  • Infographics & Tipsheets – Download infographics and tipsheets as PDFs or JPEGs for use as jobsite signage and in social media, presentations, and print materials.
  • Worker Handouts – Download worker handouts – including hazard alert cards – to distribute and use on jobsites and in social media, presentations, and print materials.
  • Videos & Webinars – Share videos and webinars with your crew and on your jobsite.
  • Podcasts – Listen to and share podcasts on fall safety.
  • Mobile Apps – Explore and download mobile applications that can be used to prevent falls.
  • Safety Leadership Training for Residential Construction – Use the new “Foundations for Safety Leadership for Residential Construction” training to build safety leadership on your crew.

Archived Stand-Down Resources

Falls Campaign logo of the silhouette of a roofer tied off with a fall protection harness working on a roof. The worker is holding a hammer. The logo is in the shape of a triangle and there is an orange sunset background behind the worker.

If you’re looking for additional information and resources, review archived Stand-Down resources from previous years:

  • 2024 Stand-Down Poster – English, Español
  • 2024 Social Card Copy and paste the following link into a social media post on Facebook, X, or LinkedIn to share the Save the Date. English:; Español:
  • 2024 Stand-Down One-Page Resource SummaryEnglish, Español
  • 2024 OSHA Stand-Down BlogEnglish
  • 2024 NIOSH Falls Science BlogEnglish
    2023 NIOSH Press Release 10th Annual Stand-Down for Fall Safety:  English
  • NIOSH Science Blog 2023: Standing Down to Prevent Falls in ConstructionEnglish
  • 2023 Spotlight on Planning and PPE Fit – English, Español
  • 2023 Stand-Down Video Public Service Announcement – English, Español
  • 2023 National “Stand-Down” Event to Prevent Falls in Construction Audio Public Service Announcements
    – English: Recording | Transcript
    – Español: Recording | Transcript

After Your Stand-Down, Always Register for Your Certificate of Participation!

Register to receive your Certificate of Participation in recognition of the time and effort you devoted to preventing falls. Returning participants are encouraged to register for new certificates annually. Certificates are available in English and Spanish.

2025 Certificates of Participation will be available in May 2025.

Order Hardhat Stickers and More

You can use this page to access a form to order FREE 2025 hardhat stickers and printed pocket-sized fall-related hazard alert cards in English and Spanish. The ordering form will be reopened in spring 2025 in advance of the Stand-Down.

Pocket-sized fall-related Hazard Alert Cards can also be ordered for free any time of the year via CPWR’s Form to Order Publications. Please allow some time for us to re-stock the fall-related topics. In the meantime, PDF versions are also available at

Spanish Language Resources

This page compiles all resources available in Spanish on in a central location for ease of access and dissemination. All resources shared here are also listed in the appropriate resource sections throughout the webpage.

If you’re looking for materials in languages other than English or Spanish, click here. Limited resources are available in additional languages such as Portuguese, Russian, Haitian Creole, and Polish.

Recordatorio: Los usuarios pueden traducir automáticamente esta y todas las páginas en al español presionando el botón “Español” en la esquina superior izquierda de la página.

Reminder: Users can automatically translate this and all pages on into Spanish by pressing the “Español” button in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

Resources for the National “Stand-Down” Event

Use the following materials to share information about your event with employees, other organizations, community members, the press, and othersUpdated materials for 2024 will be available soon.

After Your Stand-Down, Always Register for Your Certificate of Participation!

Register to receive your Certificate of Participation in recognition of the time and effort you devoted to preventing falls. Returning participants are encouraged to register for new certificates annually. Certificates are available in English and Spanish.

You can now register for 2024 Stand-Down Certificates of Participation.

Safety Meeting Guides (Toolbox Talks)

Safety Meeting Guides (Toolbox Talks) are structured discussion tools for talking with your crew about fall safety and providing education about how to prevent falls. Use them with your crew:


As part of the National Campaign to Prevent Construction Falls, OSHA, NIOSH, and CPWR worked together to develop infographics. These infographics focus on preventing construction falls, the leading cause of fatalities in construction, by raising awareness of the risk and providing steps to prevent falls. Download the infographics as PDFs, PNG, or JPEGs for use as jobsite signage and in social media, presentations, and print materials.

  • Roofing Safety for Construction Workers – (JPEGPDF)
  • Planning a Multi-layered Approach to Fall Prevention and Protection – (JPEGPDF)
  • Causes of Death from Falls – (JPEGPDF)
  • Rescue Planning Saves Lives – (JPEGPDF)
  • Snapshot of Fatal Falls – (JPEGPDF)
  • Occupational Health Inequity: Hispanic Workers More Likely to Die from Falls – (JPEGPDF)
  • Small Businesses and Safety – (JPEGPDF)
  • Snapshot of Fatal Falls in Construction, 2019 – (JPEGPDF)
  • Mast Climbing Work Platforms – (JPEGPDF)
  • Production Tables on Mast Climbing Work Platforms Can Reduce Back Injuries and Falls – (JPEGPDF)
  • Proper Fit for Women in Construction – (JPEG, PDF)
  • How High is Deadly? – (JPEGPDF)
  • Have a Rescue Plan to Prevent Suspension Trauma – (JPEGPDF)
  • Roofing Safety: Walk this Way – (JPEGPDF)
  • Working on Existing Decking – (JPEGPDF)
  • The Right Length Lanyard – (JPEGPDF)
  • Safe Use of Hatches – (JPEGPDF)
  • Climbing on/off Equipment – (JPEGPDF)
  • Extreme Heat and Construction Falls – (JPEGPDF)
  • Small Businesses & Residential Construction – (JPEGPDF)
  • Plan. Provide. Train. – (JPEGPDF)
  • Fall Protection Saves Lives – (JPEGPDF)
  • Choosing the Right Anchorage – (JPEGPDF)
  • Aerial Lift (bucket) – (JPEGPDF)
  • Aerial Lift (scissor) – (JPEGPDF)
  • Working at Heights: Ladders – (JPEGPDF)
  • Noise – (JPEGPDF)
  • Falls are the leading cause of death in construction – (JPEGPDF)
  • Risk among Hispanic Workers – (JPEGPDF)
  • What Can You Do Today to Prevent a Fall? – (JPEGPDF)
  • Leading Cause of Death (Ladder App) – (JPEGPDF)

Worker Handouts

Print and distribute the following handouts to provide information about fall safety and fall prevention.


Use the following webinars to learn about fall prevention, the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, data on fall trends, and other fall-related topics.


Watch and share the following videos to learn about fall prevention, hear examples of actual fall experiences, and build your knowledge of fall safety.


Stay informed with falls-focused podcasts. For more podcasts on other construction safety issues, visit CPWR’s Podcast Webpage (English).

7th Annual Safety Stand-Down Event (September 2020) – Dr. G. Scott Earnest, NIOSH Associate Director for Construction, discusses the National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction and 7th annual Safety Stand-Down event. The Stand-Down is scheduled for September 14-18, 2020. This year may look different​ due to COVID-19, but CPWR, NIOSH, and OSHA have plenty of ideas for participating virtually or at a safe social distance.

Mobile Apps

Mobile applications are interactive tools that can be downloaded to phones and other devices. The following mobile apps are designed to be used in the field to help prevent falls.

  • NIOSH Ladder Safety App – the app features a multimodal indicator and a graphic-oriented guide for ladder selection, inspection, positioning, accessorizing, and safe use. Available in English and Spanish based on the language settings on your device and available for download on iPhone/iPad and Android devices.
  • Mast Climbing Work Platform Daily Inspection Walkthrough Tool – This daily inspection walkthrough tool allows mast climber users to navigate through what is commonly inspected during a pre-shift daily inspection.

Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) Training

Use the Foundations for Safety Leadership Training to improve safety leadership on your team.

The 2.5-hour Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) is a highly interactive training program available in English and Spanish that teaches foremen, supervisors, and other front-line leaders on construction job sites about the costs of ineffective, and the benefits of effective, safety leadership such as improved safety climate and reduced negative safety outcomes. Most importantly, it includes information on critical leadership skills to use on the job site and presents students with different safety scenarios which they review and then decide which leadership skills would help address the specific worksite hazard.

CPWR recently adapted the FSL to create the Foundations for Safety Leadership for Residential Construction (FSL4Res) (English). This training is currently only available in English, but is in the process of being translated. The FSL4Res is designed to meet the unique safety issues found in the residential construction sector, particularly fall hazards, which remain the sector’s major cause of workplace fatalities. The FSL4Res covers the same content as the FSL, including the critical leadership skills. The main difference is that three new real-world scenarios have been added that illustrate how foremen and other frontline leaders can use the leadership skills to prevent fall hazards on the job site. Trainers can tailor the FSL4Res to different audiences and locations, including delivering it as either a  single 2.5-hour session (like the original FSL) or as four 30-minute and a short additional session.

Written Fall Protection Plans

Planning is an essential part of fall prevention. Use the following tools to plan for how to prevent falls in your work.

Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program Reports

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program and State FACE Programs study fatal workplace injuries and prepare reports with recommendations to prevent similar deaths. 

Additional Resources

Consult additional fall prevention resources.

About Us

About The National Campaign To Prevent Falls In Construction

The Falls Campaign began in 2012 with NORA (English), NIOSH (English, Español), CPWR (English, Español), and OSHA (English, Español) seeking a way to raise awareness of the fact that falls are the top cause of construction fatalities and account for one-third of on-the-job injury deaths in the industry, with a disproportionate number of those occurring in the residential sector. Each year in the U.S. construction industry, over 10,000 workers are seriously injured by falls and one worker dies every day from a fall to a lower level.

The goal of the Falls Campaign is to prevent fatal falls from roofs, ladders, and scaffolds by encouraging residential construction contractors to:

  • PLAN ahead to get the job done safely.
  • PROVIDE the right equipment.
  • TRAIN everyone to use the equipment safely.

Contractors, workers — all industry stakeholders — can help prevent falls and save lives by joining the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction. Read the How-To Guide for Partners Joining the Falls Campaign (English) for background information on developing your own Safety Pays, Falls Cost campaign in your community.

In 2014, organizers added the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction as the main event associated with the Falls Campaign. In 2024, the Falls Campaign established its Premier Partner Program. Premier Partner organizations committed to film and share a short video, promote official Campaign/Stand-Down webinars, engage on social media, and direct their members and networks to OSHA’s Certificate of Participation after the Stand-Down. If you’re interested in becoming a Premier Partner for a future Stand-Down, check out our campaign leader page here.

Although the National Safety Stand-Down happens every May, the Falls Campaign is a year-round effort. Find resources here about year-round fall prevention.

About the National “Stand-Down” Event

In a construction setting, the term “safety stand-down” is used to describe a wide variety of activities where normal work is paused and the entire site focuses on a particular safety issue. While some employers may use stand-downs to call attention to specific hazards present on their site as an intervention, the Falls Campaign has adopted the use of the stand-down to draw attention to fall hazards in a nationwide week-long event.  It’s an opportunity for employers to pause work and have a conversation with workers about fall hazards, protective methods, and the company’s safety policies, goals and expectations.  This should also be an opportunity for workers to talk to management about fall hazards they see.

Who is it for?

Participation began with, but is not limited to, the construction industry, and no business is too large or small to participate.  In previous years, we’ve had participants in residential construction, commercial construction, industrial construction, mining, general industry, and more. Learn more about past participants through our evaluation efforts.

When can I participate?

The 2024 Stand-Down took place May 6-10! Remember to register for your official Certificate of Participation from OSHA.

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