Save Your Company Time and Money by PREVENTING FALLS. Click on the links below to find free tools and materials to help you plan, provide, and train:
Click here for resources to plan ahead to prevent falls on your jobsite.

“Plan” Highlighted Resource: Rescue Planning Saves Lives (English, Español). Use this tipsheet to learn about the importance of rescue planning and how to create a plan.
Click here for resources to provide the right tools and equipment on the job.

“Provide” Highlighted Resource: Construction Personal Protective Equipment for All Genders and Sizes (English). Find information about fall protection in extended, adjustable, and tailored sizes.
Click here for resources to train workers on equipment and work practices.

“Train” Highlighted Resource: Foundations for Safety Leadership for Residential Construction (FSL4Res) (English, Español Coming Soon). Train your crew on safety leadership with this interactive program.
Spread the Word: CPWR’s Postcard, SAVE Time and Money (English & Español) can be used to encourage others to visit this website and plan/provide/train to prevent construction falls! Distribute the postcards to building permitting offices, local hardware stores, and other places small contractors frequent to provide others with access to information they may not be aware of that can help protect their employees.
As you’ll see, the postcard is in English and Spanish. The URL and QR codes link to online resources that have information contractors can use immediately to help plan how to prevent falls, identify the correct types of safety equipment and practices, and find easy-to-use materials, such as toolbox talks, to train their employees.