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The Falls Campaign is an evidence-based campaign that depends on ongoing evaluation. Evaluation is performed through a range of methods, and data are shared below.

All of the following evaluation products are currently only available in English.

2023 Stand-Down Fast Facts

Read fast facts about the 2023 National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction here, or review a Factsheet or Full Report for additional information:

  • 3,554 stand-downs held
  • 463,594 workers reached
  • Commercial construction was the most commonly selected sector
  • Texas, California, and Florida reported holding the largest number of events
  • Texas, Virginia, and Florida reported reaching the highest number of workers
  • 133 stand-downs were held internationally, reaching 120,091 workers abroad
  • Stand-Down participation has recovered fully recovered since its drop in 2020. When the pandemic began in 2020, participation fell. In 2023, total Stand-Down events held and workers reached surpassed the number of events held in 2019 for the first time.

Annual CPWR Analyses of OSHA Collected Stand-Down Participation Data

During each annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, OSHA offers certificates of participation for companies that hold their own events. When companies register to receive a certificate, they are asked information about their event, such as how many workers attended, what they did in their event, and what recommendations they have for future events. CPWR analyzes these data annually to produce factsheets and full reports.

Social Network Analysis of the Falls Campaign

In 2017, CPWR asked the Center on Network Science (CNS) at the University of Colorado Denver to conduct a Social Network Analysis (SNA) (English) on the network that has been developed through the Falls Campaign. CNS conducted the SNA using an online survey of known Campaign partners via the PARTNER Tool (English).

Hardhat Sticker Information

CPWR has been disseminating fall-related Hazard Alert Cards in the months leading up to the annual Stand-Down since 2014, as well as Stand-Down hardhat stickers since 2015. With the introduction of an online ordering form in 2017 and coordinated promotion with OSHA and NIOSH, we have seen increases in the number of orders each year. In 2019, we disseminated all 375,000 stickers we had printed, and even began sending out the artwork for companies to print their own stickers.

Hardhat Stickers50,00050,000173,000265,000375,000
Hazard Alerts1,8009,18614,10070,215142,213280,000+

Success Stories

In order to highlight successful stand-down efforts and give others ideas, CPWR has worked with individual companies to write Stand-Down success stories. These stories profile successful events held by companies and other organizations, and provide examples of strategies for how to hold stand-downs.

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